Categories: namambe interview

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Categories: namambe interview

by admin



1.Tell us something about yourself?

Well, first of all I must thank Namambe for the questions. I am a Superman but I can’t fly… lol. In brief, I am a person who like jokes, and more jokes.

2. Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a village called Ouwananghala in Ombalantu 10 Kilometers from Outapi town on the way to Ruacana. The village boasts two Church, one for Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) and the other for Catholic, A combined school and residential Cuca shops called Okatunhu. Ok, there is still no electricity at our village.

3. Where do you live now?

I am staying in Whk and I am working for Nampower.

4. What is your area of specialization?

I studied Mechanical engineering at Polytechnic..

5. On face book you are called Superman John and in brackets Johannes Shangheta which one is your real name?
Johannes Shangheta is my real name. Kelekete (Aitembu Michael) nicknamed me Superman in 1991 while we were still at primary school after the character that used to play on NBC TV then. The reasons for that nickname are obvious lol. Since then, everyone start calling me Superman.

6. I came across Nam-Facebook page what is this all about?
Nam-Facebook is a page/group within Facebook that was created by me. It is primary aim is to lighten up people’s days with jokes and humorous stories.

7. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and what would say to them?
Mr Ibu and Mr Bean… I would tell them that you guys are so funny that you can kill people with laughter.

8. If I gave you a virgin girlfriend how would you look after her?
S: Hehehehe… a virgin girlfriend! Shuu… nice question, I will get to this one later…

9. What is your favourite sport team and why?
Manchester United… The Red Devil. I started supporting it since I was at High School and that time I thought it was meant for Man who are Chester… I was also a Chesta that time ;) and now it turned out to be the second best team in the world after Barcelona.

10. What is your favourite colour of socks to wear?
White colour, because they can get dirty quickly and force me to wash them, that way they can prevent my shoes from getting odour smell.

11. If you were given a chance, would you enter Big Brother?
Yes, to eat up a storm those free food plus winning U$200 000.00 is pretty cool.

12. Who according to you is the best dressed woman in Outapi?
Her initials are AT… She knows how to put together her outfits and always looks proper in ovelela.

13.  Tell us something about Outapi Lager?
Outapi Lager currently is a local clothing label, but plans are at advanced stage to come up with beverages in that domain name.

12. Tell us how many hats you have in your house?
At least 5 hats of different colours. wearing a hat is my signature style.

13. Where do you get all the jokes from and where do you keep them?
60% of the jokes I create them myself and keep them in my PC, 40% are sourced from elsewhere like the Ultimate Joke books and other materials.

14. What would you like to tell the Namibian youth?
Firstly, We as educated youth of Namibia must come up with developmental plans that can create long term jobs and secondly, we must find platforms where we can engage in dialogue with the government to source capital help for our many business ideas we are having. Thirdly, working hard is the key to a developed state and vision 2050.

15. Is there any other thing you would like to say?
Yes!!! I just want to tell people that they must order their Outapi Lager Tops, T-shirts and Golf T-shirts for Summer time fashion… Festive season is fast approaching and Chilling Mood is filling the air.

Thank you very much Superman!


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