Online Namibian tutors & teachers for private lessons
Looking for a virtual tutor in the following languages?
- Oshiwambo (Oshindonga or Oshikwanyama)
- Khoekhoegowab (Damara/Nama)
- Otjiherero
- Rukwangali
- Silozi
- Setswana
If the answer is yes, please email us
to answer the following questions:
A) What motivates you to look for a tutor?
- Career and business
- Lesson for kids
- Living Abroad
- Exams and Coursework
- Culture, Travel and Hobby
- Marriage or relationship
B) What is your language level now?
- I am Just Starting/ I can’t say much
- I know the basic/I can talk about simple topics
- I am conversational/I can speak about my experiences, make plans and tell stories
- I can express myself fluently/I can use complex grammar and phrases but I lack nuance
C) From which country are you?
D) Are you in Namibia or abroad?
E) Do you have any learning materials, if so what exactly do you have now?
F) Are you prepared to be taught in the evening, Namibia local time?
G) Do you want to be taught 30 minutes or 40 minutes per day?
I) What day of the week would suit your training?
J) How many days you want to be taught per month?
K) What is your budget?
1. $1 – $40 per 30/40 minutes
Thank you for reading this information.