Categories: namambe interview

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Categories: namambe interview

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1. Welcome to Namambe
 My pleasure.

2. I am pleased to have you, how did you find us?
Well, I really can’t remember when, but it’s a while now I knew Namambe. I came across Namambe website on your timeline and that’s how I came to know it!

3. Tell us more about yourself?
Well, I’m Shapumba Sheehama. I was born in Lumbango, Angola, grew up at a village called Ombaalume village in Ombalantu. I attended my grade 1 up to 10 at Omwithi C.S and then went to Nuuyoma SSS where I completed my grade 12.  I went to study Nursing and graduated at NHTC. Worked at Katutura hospital for 6 months and quitted in order to further my study in Russia. Currently I doing my final year in general medicine at Kazan State Medical University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.

4. Who is your role model?
My Grannies. Stella-March Aipinge and Protasius Ekandjo. I grew up with my grannies and they taught and encouraged me a be strong and not to give up on whatever I want to do.

5. Do you have any favourite author, if so, who is that person and why do you like his/her ideas?

6. How did you end up in Russia and what exactly are you doing?
Although went to study nursing, my dream was to become a doctor. Dr Ruben Shaanika Kanime who hailed from the same place was studying in Russia and I met him when he came for practicals in Namibia. Although I have always wanted to become a medical doctor, I had no idea on how to go about it. Dr. Kanime gave me ideas and encouraged me to apply at their university and my application was successful. I am now studying General medicine and currently doing my final year.

7. Who paid for your studies?
When my application was accepted I did not have a loan I paid for myself with the assistance of my mother who works as a police officer.
Lucky enough Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) came in to assist me with tuition fees. My parents and I were then responsible still for my transport, accommodation and food expenses. Genrally it is expensive to study abroad. 
It depends in which town you are studying. For instance Moscow and Petersburg are very expensive compared to other towns. Tuition fees alone cost around N$ 80 000 annually at my university. I am really grateful that I do have a loan to assist me..

7. What was you first impression of Russia when you arrived there?
I was impressed by the underground railway system.

8. What are the opportunities that one can get when studying in Russia?
You get to learn different languages and different cultures.

9. Are there challenges which people in Namibia who are planning to study in Russia should be aware of?
Of course, the currency exchange rate, extreme cold weather and tuition fees in case you don’t have a loan/scholarship as well as fascist groups

10. If you are given power to change something in Namibia, what would it be?
Chances to let young ones study, government funding and the selection of grants for those want to specialize.

11. What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?
I want to work in the public health care sector, promote the health of our nation through health promotion campaigns aimed at early detection and management/treatment of diseases, health promotion of adolescent girls and women of child bearing age. I also want to be part of the regional health management committee. I want to have my own company for occupational health and safety.

12. When are you going to finish with your study and where in Namibia would you like to work upon completion of your studies? And why do you want to work at those places.
I have been studying for for 7 years in Russia. Studying. general medicine-it is a broad non-specific course that deals with all kinds of medical complains. A course whereby physicians are finding causes/transmission of diseases, diagnosis and alternately arrive to the precise medical management of the complaint. It basically deals with undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes.

I coming back home in June 2016 and I want to work at Oshakati Intermediate hospital or Outapi Hospital. I hailed from the same place and simply want to go help my people there after all they say “There is no better place than home”

13. Do you have any special message for African people especially the young ones?
We are the defenders of this beautiful country and our beloved continent. Let us unite and make the dream of Pan Africanism a reality. Most of our past leaders have been assassinated by western society because they feared the freedom of the black man. We need to focus on the view of pan Africa. Everyone needs to get involved especially the youth. We don’t need a leader now but a collective hand, we need to stand as one so that no power can destroy us. Do not fear the aftermath of a united Africa and the complexity of challenges such an entity would present. Comforting ourselves in much simpler concepts of nationalism is playing into the wishes of those who stand to benefit the most from a divided Africa.

14. Is there something else you would like to share with us?
Let us make this world a better place at least for the next generation.

Thank you so much for your time and contribution.

Pictured with H.E Dr. Sam Nujoma in Russia in 2010.

Pictureds at a concert in Yaroslavi, Russia in 2012 with Namakalu T.Keneth (right) and Anna (middle)

Proundly Namibian


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