Categories: namambe interview

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Categories: namambe interview

by admin


NB: Kindly take not this interview was conducted some years back (RiP)


1. If I gave you an elephant where would you hide it?

Hahaha, what a question??? Why would you like to hide an elephant and from whom would you like to hide it? Well, the best answer I could give is probably in the Zoo.

2. If you were a musician, which would you be?
I want to be me. I would like to do something different, something unique, I like creativity and I wouldn’t want to be a copy and paste of someone’s work or style.

3. Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a village called Oshitudha in Uukwaluudhi. It is actually at the borders of Ombalantu and Uukwaluudhi and its few kilometres +/- 20 KM from Outapi. We do most of shopping in Outapi. My village is one of those marginalised villages without electricity, no youth groups, where youths come together to discuss issues that concern them and challenges facing them as well as there are no projects developments.

4. Do you prefer a man or iphone?
Mhhhhh, a man of course, an iphone I can get it anytime I want it. You know there is a say that says “if you want it you can afford it” and I cannot go in the shop and a buy a man. It’s hard to find that Mr. Perfect… your dream man, someone you dreamed of living with for the rest of your life.

5. What message do you have for the youth?
Youth are leaders of tomorrow, they are the ones to inherit the world. So I am encouraging them to work hard, try opportunities as they comes their way and try to create opportunities as well for themselves. Come on guys! Get off your chair and comfort zone and start doing something for yourself, don’t sit back and leave everything to the government. Don’t sit home because you are not educated or simply you are a graduate and cannot find a job, make the most of the knowledge you have, start your own business. I know there is competition and not everybody can afford to but if you have the opportunity don’t let it go. I have learned that, most people don’t have self- esteem and self confidence, they just don’t believe in themselves. Well, you need to believe in yourself, have self- confidence and always talk to other people, seek for help and ideas from other people. Get engaged in issues of empowering women and girls. Another thing is about respect, respect and love yourself.

6. If you are given an opportunity to ask something from our president, what would it be?
Shuu…. Very challenging question.  Actually there are so many things I would ask for our country and myself too…lol but for now I would only ask our President to make changes in the following things that I have noted these years;

6.1 Employment, decent work for all and proper salary structure – towards a good practice model…. Eish having a job is a question of to be or not to be, as there is corruption in our employment sector…. In our days it is not easy to find a job without knowing a person working in that organization. Getting a job is always a back-door process. There is a big gap between the salary of our superiors and ordinary employees.

6.2 Provision of better houses for our people; the squatter houses “kambashus” in main towns are continuously growing, houses are very expensive not everybody can afford. Furthermore, many workers are still challenged by endemically low wages, appalling working conditions. Many people are living under the bridges and eating from the dump sites. Seriously I really think there should be a solution to address these injustices.

The government should be aware that, poverty leads to behaviours which have devastating and destructive consequences in the medium to long term. Such behaviours include crimes, eating of unhealthy food from dumpsite as well as prostitution. This is not their choice but its poverty that force them to do such things.

7. Who introduced you to Nam translations website?
Mr. Ruben Shaanika Kanime through facebook

8. What else would like to tell the nation?
We should support the government in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and our country vision 2030.

9. What are you doing for a living?
I am working as Logistic Administrator in private sector since November 2010. In May 2009, I worked for a Consultancy Company as an Administrative Assistant to the CEO and Sole Member of that Consultancy Company until end July 2009 were I was contracted by GTZ today known as GIZ today.    I was contracted as a Consultant and Co- facilitator of Capacity Assessment study in the 6 Northern Communal Areas for a Communal Land Support (CLS) Project. A project funded by MCA- Namibia to support the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement in its mission to accelerate the registration of all existing and new rights for Namibians living in the Communal Areas.  So I am still building my career, not so many years of experience in the working industry but ya I am getting there.

10. Where did you attend you basic education?
Well, my education background has been the best highlights of my life. I attended my primary education at Oshitudha Combined School in early 90s until 2001. I have a good record of being the best learner every semester as I always came first in our class. In 2001- 2003 I attended my junior education at Omwifi Combined School where I was the Top Learner or Best Learners in Junior Secondary School Certificate (JSC) final examination at school. This was my best highlights as it also earns me much respect from my teachers, fellow learners, village people and my family. My secondary education I attended it in 2003- 2004 at Gabriel Taapopi Secondary School in Ongwediva.
2005 I joined the University of Namibia where I studied Diploma in Information Studies and graduated in 2007. After graduating I continued to pursue my Degree for Bachelor of Arts (Information Studies). In 2009, I completed degree courses in Information Studies from University of Oulu, Finland. In April 2009, I got a Certificate on Current Issues in Communication Studies from University of Tampere, Finland. Currently I am pursuing Honour Degree in Information Studies and Industrial Psychology from University of Namibia.

Many thanks Sylivia for your fresh inspiration: Namtranslations!


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