Categories: namambe interview

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Categories: namambe interview

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1. What do you think of Big Brother Africa
I am not really into it, but what can i say: it’s part of our modern society. Like any reality shows it has pros and cons…… however it is interesting….

2. If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches?
This is a tricky one, anyways banks aren’t just for money, for you and I to withdraw, deposit and all that actually Banks have branches for management. However the branches are also there to provide customer services in different areas for the clients that are far from the main branches that are mostly situated in big towns or cities, these cut the long journey short. Apart from that, they form part of community/environmental development so to say…… hope I have answered a bit better lol

3. Great! Please tell us about yourself and what you are doing this year?
Maria Gosbert is Conscientious young lady who’s passionate about fashion yet very innovative, creative, and proud of her heritage and her country, and wants to see it succeed and prosper. I was born Outapi, Ombalantu a town situated in the northern part of Namibia and lived most of my life in the Northern Regions. I moved to Windhoek 2008 to further my studies at UNAM after matriculating from Canisianum RC High School and have lived in Windhoek since then. Living in the North made me culturally tolerant so when I moved to Windhoek a  multi-cultural City I didn’t have problem settling except the languages (those moments when the taxi driver can only speak Afrikaans and I understood nothing) LOL . As a person I am hard working, and I don’t let any life obstacle get in the way of achieving my goals. This year I have been busy ….. ‘shuh’! still busy though taking part in community education projects regarding crimes with the IMMS ANTI CRIME NETWORK CC. Like I said I love fashion so am busy with that too but on the modelling part mostly ( I don’t model though I would love to). At the same time am busy with my final year in Nursing (Bachelor of Nursing Science) at UNAM. I guess it is one of those busy years but yeah….. enough about myself lets go to the next one…

4. Who is your favourite singer in Namibia?
Ummmh I love Namibian music… it’s great, entertaining and at the same time enjoyable. For me i listen to every good song it doesn’t matter who the singer is; I think Namibian Artists are great, so I don’t have a favourite. They should just keep it up.

5. If you are given N$ 5000-00 entertainment how will you spend it?
Let’s see, since I have passion for fashion I will surely spend half of it in a fashion show either participating or attending. Some I will go see my Favourite Movie at the cinema with few friends and family. The rest I will go to the Museum I always wanted to go there.

6. Why do you think is the reason why students drink alcohol?
For this question I’m going to be realistic if not honest; most of the students are young and free, when you are young and free, sometimes you even wish you had wings to fly to places that you have only perhaps dreamed about, besides you don’t really care as long as you are having fun (alcohol is part of the fun). Apart from that, students drinks alcohol to relieve academic stresses (which I don’t support), from tests, exams, assignments etc. However, most of the students drinks due to peer influence and sometimes due to environmental influence. For example living in the city like Windhoek is quiet a temptation and very challenging for most students that are coming or came to live in city for studies. In my opinion, alcohol wasn’t supposed to be a stress reliever for students, its really bad that sometimes taking it can destroy your academic affairs.

7. If you were a doctor what is one thing that you will not do in your life?
I will never commit to what they call ‘Mercy Killing’the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness). In general, when you as a doctor decides to end a patient’s life perhaps when you think there’s no hope anymore, in most cases when they have been in coma for a very long time; however I’m not sure if it’s being practised in Namibia as far as I’m concerned). However, I would do anything to save lives and help the sick.

8. How do you describe a down to earth person?
To me, a down to earth person is the one who is fun and worry free. In addition, he/she is realistic and practical, meaning they have sensible and practical ideas of what they want to achieve or can be achieved. To him/her actions speaks louder than words.

9. If you become the first female president of Namibia what would be your immediate priorities?
LOL. I can just imagine myself as the first female president, my priorities will be orphans and vulnerable children, as a woman mercy is part of me, those kids need great help. I believe that giving to those in need does not only help them but form a part of you and thus bringing blessing to the country. Actually there’s a quote which I love by Denis Waitley(an American motivational speaker and writer) “Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude”. Not to be all that butI think a great leader must also have what I have said. Moreover, I will also focus on the reduction of unemployment rate in the country as most of the citizens are unemployed and in Namibia for one to have a well-paid job, drive a car, buy a house and pay expenses must have qualification from one of the higher institutions while those who have failed high school are left to set their ways on how to survive. Therefore I think even those who failed need something to rely on, some people are born with certain talents or they are just good practically which I think should be appreciated, small projects/businesses or a chance for education in what they are best at will do.

11.What should be done to reduce poverty in Namibia?
Most important, increase employment for example by setting up small projects for self-employment. Secondly increase the production of Namibian products/goods so that we don’t have to import from other countries making us less dependent thus exporting more.

12. What are your future plans?
I don’t have much for the future yet however, I’m planning to further my studies after my Bachelor, I want to go for medicine and specialise Neurology; become a neurologist. I understand that we only have one neurologist in Namibia, but we have a lot of MVAs (Motor Vehicle Accidents) Accidents and others leaving our people with Head (brain) and spinal injuries with no proper medical help due to lack of neurologists. Apart from that I want to own a Modelling Agency one of the good days in the future,,,,,, otherwise I am looking forward to all.

13. Do you have any other thing that you would like to tell the public?
Yes.. I would like to say never let life difficulties rip off your dreams and remember in this life we don’t get what we ask for; we only get what we expect. Every expectation is fuelled by belief and it’s important to keep our beliefs updated. But many of us attempt to make changes, which are fuelled by self- defeating beliefs. Just remember that Gratitude is the glue that attracts all the things you desire to be grateful always. Secondly, true wealth comes from always living your life to the fullest with passion and purpose and doesn’t come from material possessions that we have but the good deeds  that we will be remembered for. Real heroes are those extraordinary people who keep the country running with love, generosity, kindness, hard-work, and those with slightest of means to open up their hearts to those less fortunate.

Thank you for having me JJ


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