Categories: namambe interview

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Categories: namambe interview

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1. Welcome to the show Simaneka Kondjashili
Thank you, Mr Ausiku. It is a great honour to be here.

2. How many languages do you speak?
– Oshiwambo
– Swahili (Not Fluent though but for African Solidarity)
– English
– Otjiherero
– Afrikaans

3. What was your favourite subject at school?
Science Subjects but Mathematics in particular

4. Please tell us more about yourself
Well, Simaneka is a Second born child of Tate Aron Jonas and Meme Hileni Namukwambi. Born and Raised at Etope Village in Uukwambi, Omusati Region.
My business interest are in the areas of: Engineering & Construction, Tourism (Hotel & Guest House), Manufacturing and fabrication, AgriBusiness as well as general trade.

5. Give us a summary of your educational background?
I attended both my primary and secondary education in the North at Etope Primary School and Uutsima. Later, I went to David Sheehama for my Secondary Education.
In 2000, I enrolled for my first degree in Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Namibia and joined the industry thereafter. I worked at companies like TransNamib, Cenored as young engineer. Again, in 2008 I registered for a two year Master degree in Electrical Engineering at CPUT, RSA and graduated Cum Laude within a year.

6. What is it like to pass with a Cum Laude?
Good Question. Graduating Cum Laude especially at Master level means that the candidate has made a significant contribution in the academic world. Today, the book I have written at Master Level (which I presented also to the Founding President and the Father of the Namibian Nation H.E Dr. Sam Nujoma) – This book is now available at university libraries for future use. It requires hard work and commitment to get such an achievement in Engineering.

7. What do you do for a living?
I own and work for a Group of Companies that todate feeds roughly 50 Namibian Families and still keen to share what I have with the marginalised community. My dream is to make an impact or difference in a society where I operate.

8. What types of challenges are you facing in your business?
I wish to expand my businesses to make a great impact in my Beloved Country.

9. What type of assistance do you need in order to develop and promote your company?
Surely, starting and operating a business that has never received any financial support or assistance of any kind is cumbersome in a sense that good business proposal may not be fully implemented. However, I strongly believe that learning the hard way brings about discipline in many ways. I also have a dream that one day this situation will change for better and great effect.
If I have a chance one day I would borrow N$ 10 Million and will double this figure in 18 months after operation. Progressively, in 5 years a profit of N$ 50 Million would be realised.
10. Who is your business partner (if any)?
I started the business alone and still sole but now looking for partners.

11. How many people have your company employed?
A total of 50 but increasing depending on projects availability.

12. What was your most exciting moment in life?
There could be many exciting moments but I would wish to single out the fact that I was only employed for about two years and decided to take a risk by operate a business at tender age. Now it is very exciting to know that there are families or marginalised community directly benefiting from an idea or dream I had then – this is indeed the most exciting moment in my life.

13. What was your most disappointing moment in life?
It is somewhat disappointing to learn that the institution established and mandated to support the SME sector is failing some individuals or businesses. In 2011, I launched my application for assistance to the Development Bank of Namibia for a construction project and up to now nearly 4 years ago I have not received a formal response to my call. Evidently, it is through perseverance and commitment that my business still operates and continues to grow. 

14. Is there something that you would like to share with our youth in Namibia?
The youth is the future of any generation. The youth in Namibia, like other youth in first world countries, should have courage to take full ownership of the Country as we embark upon the economic emancipation journey.

15. If you are given the power to change something what is it and how are you going to tackle it?
I would tackle social Inequality and educational disadvantage. Namibia with its known population and abundance of natural resource may achieve a living standard equivalent to that of say Dubai.

I would achieve this by ensuring that the issue of value addition to raw materials become a reality and through this initiative every Namibian would be privileged to proper sanitation, good education and basic income for those Namibian who have not secured work elsewhere.

16. What are your future plans?
To continue working hard for a better Namibia.

17. How can you be contacted by people who need your service?
Potential clients are welcome to visit our head office in Otjiwarongo.
Erf 1871, Extension 6, Otjiwarongo
Or alternatively contact me directly at +264811282867
Email address:

Thank you for the opportunity granted.

Photos about projects done by Kondja Engineering CC


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